[Equest-users] erv problem

Patrick J. O'Leary, Jr. poleary1969 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 10:14:55 PST 2010

i am having a problem with in an erv added to one hp-unit (5 total 
hp-units) where the heating load for all hp-units goes almost to zero.  
has anyone seen this with an erv unit and packaged heat pump units?  the 
.inp file for the problem project is attached.

this project was set up with wizard and then saved to a new file to edit 
in detailed mode.  in wizard mode, or detailed mode without the erv 
added, heating mode results seem to be plausible.

with erv (detailed mode):  space heating = 310 kwh, hp supp = 10 kwh
without erv (detail/wizard):  space heating = 8680 kwh, hp supp = 1630 kwh

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