[Equest-users] Air side HVAC

sambhav tiwari tiwari.sambhav at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 22:41:53 PST 2010

       I have some quearies pertaning to Air side HVAC system and zone

1: In Air side HVAC system under Fan tab and in flow parameters what should
be taken  as min flow ratio if system is VAV and just adjusent to min flow
ratio input there is input as min fan ratio are the two things same ,and
this input min flow ratio is in air side HVAC zone level  also in air flow
tab so it has to entered in zone level also? or only at system level  and
there are three input for min flow ration in zone level 1 overall 2 cooling
3 heating which one to be filled???.

2 In Air side HVAC at zone level there is thermostat schedule and adjusent
to that is indoor design temp for heating and cooling which is by default
taken as 76 and 70F for cooling and heating respectively my queary is
whether the temperatures mentioned as default heating and cooling design
temperatures are same what we have to take in thermostat schedule for
cooling and heating during occupied hours????

3 In system air side HVAC in cooling tab there is one schedule as cooling
avaibality schedule where it says that whether mechanical cooling is
available or not and we should choose on/off 0/1 schedule type, whether we
should define this schedule as 1 for occupied hrs and 0 for unoccupied hrs??
does this schedule indicates the time of on of the system and off of the

4 For a VAV system whether we can take one system for entire building or
divide the total zone in 2 or more system??as far as i think meaning of one
system is one AHU unit and generally in big building there many AHU rooms.

I shall be highly obliged if any one  kindly responed to these quearies of
mine .I look forward for you valuable response.

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