[Equest-users] Hourly report - building hvac load?

Ana N. ananeddav at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 12 11:59:08 PST 2010


Dear e-quest users,


I am using e-quest to model a central chilled water plant that incorporates ice storage strategy. At this point I have created baseline case without ice storage and need to create hourly profiles for cooling load. I created both Building load and Building HVAC Load hourly reports and found significant difference between these two. My understanding is that  HVAC Load profile presents Building load plus ventilation load plus heat gain/loss from HVAC system , but given the small amount of ventilation air I have this does not seem right. Does anyone know what these two reports consist of and how can I create cooling load profiles that will be used as a base for sizing Ice storage. It would be also helpful if someone can confirm that my understating of Building load and Building HVAC Load hourly profiles is correct, so that I can start looking at other possible errors in the model. 
Ana Davidovic
HVAC Engineer
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