[Equest-users] Error Messages

Eric Cody ecody at tagmechanical.com
Wed Feb 10 09:00:12 PST 2010

I have basement unit heaters that I have defined as heating ventilation
systems because the basement has makeup air connected to an ERV system. I
get this error message for all of these systems and a huge amount of
unheated hours. If I change either the design temperature or max entering
air temperature to match the other, I get an error saying that the air flow
will be to high (which makes sence).

Any suggestions?

             PREHEAT/HEATING-CAPACITY in SYSTEM EL1 Sys1 Unit Heater (B.C1)
             is too low to provide the requested supply temperature for
             the calculated mixed air temperature using total ZONE loads
             (on LS-A/B) and SYSTEM design parameters, plus outside air
             conditions (on LS-C), and specified capacities & air flows.
             Requested temperature is  90.00 calculated is  70.00
             DESIGN-HEAT-T, and ZONE loads for consistency.

Eric J. Cody
Energy Analyst
TAG Mechanical Systems
4019 New Court Ave.
Syracuse, NY 13206
Office: (315) 463-4455
Cell: (585) 472-1802
E-Mail: ECody at TAGMechanical.com

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