[Equest-users] Hot Deck Leaving Air Temperature Incorrect

Xavier García Casals xavier.garcia at aiguasol.coop
Fri Sep 26 00:55:45 PDT 2008

I have also found very strange results on the hourly reports of heating 
coil temperature, cooling coil temperature , and coil entering 
temperature. Often the reported values do not make much sense, and 
depending on the system type the nosense is in one way or in another. In 
general, it seems the 'entering coil temperature' gives the right value 
for the mixing of return and OA air. The 51ºF for the heating coil 
temperature looks like a standard for this hourly output (almost always 
the same). It always alarms rather a lot to find these numeric values 
without sense (you can't help thinking what about the other values you 
are using to take important desitions from your simulation results...), 
but I have done some testing and it seems that energy values are on the 
right direction in spite of this wrong reported coil temperatures (whe 
baseboards are present energy values do not fit as good as with coil 
heating, but still it goes on the right direction).
So, I would think this afaire is mostly a bug in reporting those 
variables, but it would be nice if one of those involved in eQuest 
development could confirm this point.

En/na Doebber, Ian ha escrit:
> For a strange reason, during the Winter Time (cold outside air at ~35 F and return air at ~70 F) result in Mixed Air ~60°F that needs to be heated up.  
> Even though the Mixed Air entering the Unit is ~60°F the air temperature leaving the Heating Coil is constantly 51 F despite the Central Heating Coil consuming around 40 kBtu/hr.  
> Is there simply a reporting bug or is this indicative of a larger bug that the Heating Coil is consuming energy but not providing any heat.  As a result, my Electric Resistance Reheat at the VAV Boxes is huge.
> Any suggestions on how to properly turn on my HHW Coil would be very appreciated.
> Regards
> Ian Doebber
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*Xavier García Casals*


*Sistemas** Solares, Eficiencia Energética e Ingeniería Bioclimática** *


* *

Sistemes Avançats d'Energia Solar Tèrmica SCCL

C/ Palermo, 17. Bajos dcha. 28043 Madrid

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Tel: (+34) 93 342 47 55  Fax: (+34) 93 342 47 56


Mobil: 660 22 94 45

xavier.garcia at aiguasol.coop <mailto:xavier.garcia at aiguasol.coop>

http://www.aiguasol.coop <http://www.aiguasol.coop/>

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