[Equest-users] Receptacle Energy Component for T-24

Eric Shadd EShadd at archenergy.com
Wed Sep 24 11:29:28 PDT 2008

Title 24 has set equipment loads determined by space type so eQUEST puts that in automatically.  See Table N2-3 of the Nonresidential ACM manual.

>>> "steven rutter" <stevenrutterjr at gmail.com> 9/24/2008 11:23 AM >>>
I am having a problem trying to decrease the receptacle energy component in the eQuest program.  I currently have no load for either the office equipment loads or the miscellaneous loads.  Yet in the Certificate of Compliance for Title 24, the "Receptacle Energy Component" shows for the proposed and standard designs as the highest energy use for any component.  Is there a way where I can decrease this any other way?  If so, how?
Steven Rutter
Design Engineer
Air Systems
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