[Equest-users] High space heating values

Xavier García Casals xavier.garcia at aiguasol.coop
Wed Sep 17 01:43:50 PDT 2008

Did you have a look at infiltration values, schedules and calculation 
method (effects of outside T and V)?. Since Std.90.1 does not fix this 
values both programes could be using different defaults with a 
significant impact on heating demand.

En/na Eric O'Neill ha escrit:
> Good evening all,
> So we're beginning the transition from VDOE (DOEv2.1e) to eQuest 
> (DOEv2.2), and we noticed that eQuest tended to result in higher space 
> heating requirements. We have attempted to reconcile the difference, 
> but even when we set two baseline buildings as closely as possible in 
> their respective program - setting as many details the same as we 
> could - we still couldn't get similar space heating results. Most of 
> electric consumptions were close enough, however the space heating 
> section results indicated about a 40% more heating in eQuest than in 
> VDOE. The eQuest model is showing about 0.67 therms/square foot for 
> something similar to an ASHRAE baseline (although it's not exactly) 
> which seems high.
> In a similar fashion, I'm working on a NAPA autoparts store, which, as 
> most know, are extremely simple. My output there is about 0.76 
> therms/square foot. I built it to the dimensions that they gave me, 
> however I set all the components to the ASHRAE 90.1 standard and left 
> the remainder as defaults.
> Has anyone else experienced this?
> */Eric O'Neill/*
> Mechanical Engineer
> Energy Division - Michaels Engineering
> 811 Monitor St. Ste 100
> La Crosse, WI 54603
> v: 608-785-1900 x521
> f: 608-784-2270
> elo at michaelsengineering.com
> http://www.michaelsengineering.com
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*Xavier García Casals*


*Sistemas** Solares, Eficiencia Energética e Ingeniería Bioclimática** *


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Mobil: 660 22 94 45

xavier.garcia at aiguasol.coop <mailto:xavier.garcia at aiguasol.coop>

http://www.aiguasol.coop <http://www.aiguasol.coop/>

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