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Hello Bldg-sim,<br>
As many of you may know, the University of Toronto is hosting the <a
moz-do-not-send="true" href="https://www.rw2022.com/">20th
International Radiance Workshop</a> next month from 2-5 August.
Radiance is a suite of programs for the analysis and visualization
of lighting in design, and it has been consistently used in research
and practice since 1989. The Radiance workshop is an opportunity to
learn, present, share and discuss your lighting simulation work with
other lighting simulation enthusiasts. Besides a COVID interruption
in 2020, the workshop has been going strong for <a
href="https://radiance-online.org/community/workshops">two decades</a>.
There are a few more <a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="https://www.rw2022.com/call">presentation slots open</a>. If
you have some exciting work to present and discuss with the
community, please consider to send in a short abstract <font
color="#ff0000">by 18 July</font>. An exciting workshop is already
<li>On 3 August, there will be hands-on tutorials by Bo Jung (U.
of Washington) on melanopic (or ipRGC-influenced) lighting
measurements using your own camera and Stephen Wasilewski (EPFL)
on fast, image-based methods for annual glare assessments using
his new Raytraverse tool.</li>
<li>On 4-5 August there will be many presentations from experts in
lighting simulation, a selection of which are already <a
moz-do-not-send="true" href="https://www.rw2022.com/schedule">on
the schedule</a>.</li>
<li>On 5th August, there will be a community discussion on the
future of Radiance development. <br>
<p>I'm hoping to welcome many of you to Toronto, and please reach
out to me if you have any questions. Registration information
along with other details are <a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="https://www.rw2022.com/">on our website</a>!<br>
<p>Thank you,</p>
<span style="font-size:80%;"> J. Alstan Jakubiec<br>
E-mail: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:alstan.jakubiec@daniels.utoronto.ca">alstan.jakubiec@daniels.utoronto.ca</a><br>
Mobile: +1 416-666‑0951<br>
Office: DA321<br>
Assistant Professor<br>
University of Toronto<br>
Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design /<br>
The School of the Environment<br>
3-5 August: <a href="https://www.rw2022.com/">Radiance Workshop
2022 in Toronto</a><br>
<a href="http://individual.utoronto.ca/c38c">DCC Lab</a> | <a
href="http://solemma.com">Solemma</a> | <a
href="http://spectraldb.com">Spectral Materials DB</a> </span>