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<font face="Calibri" size="2"><span style="font-size:11pt;">
<div>Hello everyone,</div>
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<div>Have you seen the (not so) new Building Energy Software Tools Directory yet? Check it out.</div>
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<div><img src="cid:69666F2D5637DD48830490DF02CE32E1@namprd09.prod.outlook.com"> </div>
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<div>Or better yet, check it out online <a href="https://buildingenergysoftwaretools.com/"><font color="#0563C1"><u>https://buildingenergysoftwaretools.com/</u></font></a>. This is a rebuilt/reconstituted version of the older DOE-hosted directory. The new directory
is based on a more modern CMS-based platform, has functionality for filter, sort, rate and review, as well as an API. Some of the old listings (e.g., ones corresponding to programs that can no longer be found on the web) are gone. There are new listings as
well. </div>
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<div>The new directory uses dynamic, user-generated content. If you have a building-energy related software or software-related service (e.g., training) and want that product, service to be listed, simply create an account and one or more entries. There is
no need to submit any forms. Once the entries are published—IBPSA and DOE curate the directory to ensure that all entries are legitimate (i.e., not spam) and relevant (i.e., related to building-energy software)—you can update them at any time to reflect new
releases or simply provide more or new information.</div>
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<div>The API is still limited but allows organizations to filter the directory to create dynamic listings. For instance, DOE’s previously static listing for EnergyPlus training services has been replaced by the link: <a href="https://buildingenergysoftwaretools.com/?capabilities=Training+Services&keys=EnergyPlus"><font color="#0563C1"><u>https://buildingenergysoftwaretools.com/?capabilities=Training+Services&keys=EnergyPlus</u></font></a>.
The API is freely available, and we plan to expand and refine it over time as new use cases emerge. In fact, we will continue to do the same for the directory as a whole.</div>
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<div>Again, if you have a relevant software or software-service please consider creating a listing on this resource. </div>
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<div>Best (directory), </div>
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<div>Amir Roth, Ph.D.</div>
<div>O: 202.287.1694</div>
<div><a href="http://energy.gov/eere/buildings/building-energy-modeling/"><font color="#0563C1"><u>http://energy.gov/eere/buildings/building-energy-modeling/</u></font></a> </div>
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