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<span>3DS+EnergyPlus: Linking Design and Thermal Simulation through Non-manifold topology</span></h3>
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Dr. Wassim Jabi at Cardiff University has uncovered the secret capabilities hidden within 3DS Max and other platforms that provide a radical new way of working with architectural geometry. Jabi along with Aish and Lannon is developing a technique called non-manifold
typology (NMT) which will significantly influence architectural computing and architectural practice.</p>
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BIM only represents physical or material aspects of buildings such as walls, floors and columns. These entities can have associated properties such as weight and cost. Systems that use 'manifold topologies' struggle with the notion of space in architecture as
a void that exists in-between and is enclosed by the aforementioned solids. Early research into BIM included notions of space. This ‘enclosure of space’ is the unique and defining property of architecture.</p>
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BIM systems are largely unable to describe precisely the spatial enclosure and organization of a building as a series of hierarchically connected or divided spaces. With BIM systems, architects can only evaluate the spaces within the building after they model
the complete building fabric as an assembly of physical components.</p>
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Jabi's team developed 3DSTEP, which is an acronym for 3dsMax® To EnergyPlus; software that resides within a parametric 3D design software environment (Autodesk® 3ds Max®) and integrates with an industry standard<br>
whole-building energy simulation engine (EnergyPlus) using the OpenStudio® software development kit (SDK) and the DSOS SDK.</p>
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With 3DSTEP, architects and designers can use 3ds Max® in the early design stages to model, render and animate their building in 3D, simulate its spatial and material properties, conduct lighting studies and analyze its thermal and energy use performance all
within their native and familiar design software environment.</p>
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this tool and related research in this Thursday's webinar.</a></p>
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