Dear all,<div>Please be aware of conference ECOS2011 to be held 4-7 July 2011 in Novi Sad, Serbia (<a href=""></a>).</div><div>This is <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif; ">The 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, </span><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif; ">Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. There is special session devoted to Energy and Buildings. There will be special issue of Energy and Buildings journal devoted to this conference.</span></div>
<div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif; ">Submission deadline is January 3rd 2011.</span></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif; "><br>
</span></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif; ">Best regards</span></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif; "><br>
</span></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif; ">Milorad Bojic, prof.</span></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif; ">Univesity of Kragujevac</span></div>
<div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif">34000 Kragujevac</font></div><div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif">Serbia</font></div>
<div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif"><br></font></div><div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif">PS: Wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.</font></div>