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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>Please excuse
the cross-postings...</FONT><BR><FONT size=3><FONT
face="Times New Roman"><STRONG>Final Reminder--</STRONG><FONT
color=#ff0000><STRONG>Please make your reservation b<SPAN
class=824190821-21062004>y</SPAN> </STRONG><SPAN
class=824190821-21062004><SPAN class=204591701-27012005><FONT face=Arial
color=#000000 size=2><STRONG><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#ff0000
size=3>February 2, 2005</FONT></STRONG></FONT></SPAN></SPAN><STRONG>, 5<SPAN
class=824190821-21062004> </SPAN>PM (<SPAN
class=824190821-21062004>M</SPAN>ST)</STRONG></FONT><STRONG> if you have not
done so already by sending an email to <SPAN class=824190821-21062004>Peter
Ellis <</SPAN><SPAN class=824190821-21062004><A
class=824190821-21062004></SPAN><FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3><STRONG>>. Thanks!</STRONG><SPAN class=204591701-27012005><FONT
face=Arial size=2> </FONT></SPAN></FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3><SPAN
class=204591701-27012005></SPAN></FONT><BR> </DIV>
<DIV align=center><FONT size=3></B></FONT><FONT color=#ff0000
size=7>IBPSA<BR></FONT><FONT color=#000080>International Building Performance
Simulation Association<BR>USA Affiliate<BR><BR><STRONG>IBPSA-USA invites you to
join us in</STRONG><SPAN class=046331801-08012005><FONT
color=#000000> <STRONG><FONT
color=#000080>Orlando</FONT></STRONG> </FONT></SPAN><STRONG>for
our</STRONG><SPAN class=046331801-08012005><FONT color=#000000> <FONT
color=#000080><STRONG>Winter</STRONG></FONT></FONT></SPAN><STRONG> 200<SPAN
class=046331801-08012005>5 </SPAN>meeting!</STRONG><BR><BR></DIV>
<DIV><B>Meeting Highlights:</B><X-TAB> </DIV>
color=#ff0000><STRONG> </STRONG><SPAN
class=046331801-08012005><FONT color=#000000><STRONG><FONT
color=#ff0000>Simulation Software
Social Hour and
Guest Speaker: </STRONG><SPAN class=046331801-08012005><FONT
color=#000000> <FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG>Philip Fairey, Florida Solar
Energy Center</STRONG><SPAN class=204591701-27012005> <FONT
color=#00ff00><STRONG><FONT color=#ff00ff>(see bio
<DIV align=center><STRONG><FONT color=#000080>IBPSA-USA MEETING
ANNOUNCEMENT<BR></FONT><FONT color=#ff0000>Dinner RSVP requested</FONT></STRONG>
(see below)<BR><STRONG>4 PM, Saturday,</STRONG><SPAN
class=046331801-08012005> <STRONG>February 5</STRONG></SPAN><STRONG>,
class=046331801-08012005><STRONG>5</STRONG> </SPAN><BR><SPAN
color=#000080><STRONG> </STRONG><SPAN
class=046331801-08012005><FONT color=#000000><STRONG><FONT
color=#000080>Grosvenor Hotel (next to the
<SPAN class=046331801-08012005>1850 Hotel Plaza Blvd</SPAN></DIV>
class=046331801-08012005>Lake Buena Vista, </SPAN><SPAN
class=046331801-08012005>FL</SPAN><BR><BR><STRONG>4:00 PM - 6:00
class=046331801-08012005><FONT color=#000000><STRONG><FONT
color=#000080>Simulation Software
class=046331801-08012005> (</SPAN><SPAN class=046331801-08012005>If you are
a software developer interested in participating in the forum, please contact
Phil Haves at <A href="mailto:phaves@lbl.gov">phaves@lbl.gov</A></SPAN><SPAN
class=046331801-08012005>) </SPAN><BR><BR><STRONG>6:00 PM - 7:00
PM</STRONG><STRONG><FONT color=#000080> Social
hour<BR><BR></FONT>7:00 PM </STRONG><FONT
color=#000080><STRONG>Dinner</STRONG></FONT><FONT color=#000000><SPAN
class=204591701-27012005> <STRONG><FONT color=#000080> ($40, includes
dinner and free wine, beer, and soft drinks before
dinner)</FONT></STRONG> </SPAN></FONT><BR><BR><B>8:00 PM
</B>(approx)<STRONG><FONT color=#000080>
</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT color=#000080>After-dinner
class=046331801-08012005>Philip Fairey</SPAN>,<SPAN
class=046331801-08012005> Florida Solar Energy Center <SPAN
class=204591701-27012005> <STRONG><FONT color=#00ff00><FONT
color=#ff00ff>(see bio
below!)</FONT> </FONT></STRONG></SPAN></SPAN><BR>
Title: "<SPAN class=046331801-08012005>The Importance and Implications of
Performance-Based Building Simulation Analysis</SPAN>"<BR><BR><STRONG><FONT
color=#ff0000><U>Reservations</U>:</FONT> <FONT
color=#ff0000>To make a r</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT
color=#ff0000>eservation contact </FONT></STRONG><U><FONT
color=#0000ff>Peter Ellis <</FONT></U><A
color=#ff0000><U><FONT color=#0000ff>></FONT></U><STRONG> via email
by</STRONG><SPAN class=046331801-08012005><FONT
color=#000000> <STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>February
2,</FONT></STRONG></FONT></SPAN><STRONG> 200<SPAN class=046331801-08012005><FONT
color=#000000><FONT color=#ff0000>5</FONT></FONT></SPAN>, 5 PM
(MST).</STRONG></FONT><STRONG> </STRONG>Confirmation of reservations will
be sent via email (if you do not receive a confirmation within two business
days, please resend your reservation request).<BR><BR>For the latest information
on the IBPSA-USA meeting in<SPAN class=046331801-08012005> Orlando</SPAN>,
please visit our web site:<SPAN class=204591701-27012005> <A
href="http://www.ibpsa.org/ibpsa_usa" eudora="autourl"><BR><BR></A>We look
forward to seeing you there!<BR><BR>Philip
Haves </X-TAB><X-TAB> </X-TAB><X-TAB>
Peter Ellis</X-TAB><BR>President,
IBPSA-USA<X-TAB> </X-TAB><X-TAB> </X-TAB>Secretary,
IBPSA-USA <SPAN class=204591701-27012005> </SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=204591701-27012005></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=204591701-27012005></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=204591701-27012005></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV align=center><SPAN class=204591701-27012005><STRONG>BIO: Philip
Fairey</STRONG><BR> </SPAN></DIV><SPAN class=204591701-27012005>
<DIV align=left>Philip Fairey is Deputy Director of the Florida Solar Energy
Center (FSEC). He graduated from Clemson University in Clemson, South
Carolina, with a BA in Architecture in 1969 and a Master's degree in City and
Regional Planning in 1975.</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=204591701-27012005>In 1980, Mr. Fairey initiated the building
science research program at FSEC. He conceived and developed the Florida
Building Energy-Efficiency Rating System and led the development of EnergyGauge,
a user-friendly, windows-based software tool for code compliance, energy ratings
and economic analysis. He also initiated and led the development of the FSEC 3.0
building simulation software research tool. In addition to his expertise
in computer simulation and modeling, he has extensive experimental and
analytical expertise in the fields of moisture transport and control, pressure
and air flow control, indoor air quality (IAQ), building envelope systems,
cooling and dehumidification systems, natural ventilation systems,
energy-efficient building design, industrialized housing systems, utility Demand
Side Management (DSM) and building energy-efficiency rating systems. <BR>
<BR>As a member of ASHRAE, Mr Fairey has served as Chair of TC 4.9 on Building
Envelope Systems and is currently serving on SPC 140, "Standard Method of Test
for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs." He has also
served as a member of ASTM C-16, where he chaired the Task Group that developed
ASTM Standard C-1158 on Radiant Barrier Systems. He is a founding member
of the Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC).</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=204591701-27012005>Mr. Fairey is author or co-author of 4 books
and more than 80 technical articles, research reports and general information
documents. He has been featured on CNN and CBS News and on 3 Educational TV
programs of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. He received the
National Award for Innovation in Research from the U.S. Department of Energy in
1984 and the University of Central Florida's highest award for research in
1987. He has testified before the U.S. Congress and the Florida
Legislature, and occasionally serves as an expert witness on matters of building
forensics and has been qualified by the Courts as a Building Science
Expert.<BR> </SPAN></DIV></FONT><PRE>
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