[Bldg-sim] Fw: [Building Simulation Users Group] Fully Leveraging Your Energy Model - A Field Guide

Agnes, Dylan (dagnes@uidaho.edu) dagnes at uidaho.edu
Mon Nov 18 08:28:08 PST 2024

Hello All,

We're having a our final BSUG lecture of the year on December 11th! This will be a joint session with the Idaho ASHRAE chapter so the webinar registration may look a little different. Anyways we will be hosting Amanda Bogner president of ENERGY STUDIO and a certified ASHRAE building energy modeling professional (BEMP) with 20 years of project experience. She will be discussing how to Fully Leverage Your Energy Model - A Field Guide. For more details or to register please see below.



Research Scientist II

University of Idaho – Integrated Design Lab

322 E. Front St. Suite 360 Boise, ID. 83702

dagnes at uidaho.edu – www.idlboise.com<http://www.idlboise.com/>

W - 208.364.4622


From: idlboise.com <webmaster at idlboise.com>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2024 9:09 AM
To: Agnes, Dylan (dagnes at uidaho.edu) <dagnes at uidaho.edu>
Subject: [Building Simulation Users Group] Fully Leveraging Your Energy Model - A Field Guide

Fully Leveraging Your Energy Model - A Field Guide Target Audience: Engineers, Architects, & Simulationists Date and Time: December 11th, 2024 – Noon to 1: 00 p. m. MT Location: Idaho Water Center - Room #162 322 E. Front Street Boise, ID

Fully Leveraging Your Energy Model - A Field Guide


Target Audience:

Engineers, Architects, & Simulationists

Date and Time:

December 11th, 2024 – Noon to 1:00 p.m. MT


Idaho Water Center - Room #162

322 E. Front Street Boise, ID 83702


Parking is available underneath the building or in the adjacent parking garage.

The first hour of parking is free, each subsequent hour is $1.00.


To Register for In-person Attendance* Click Here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/ZEiTe6RwWFhvuBvn9__;!!JYXjzlvb!kAZeZCJphtg2lCZNhuEIq-D5rkYV45UKgjbZ2GEkoX6X2L1Xqq5brxkLjIOo6Kk1nU4qz5ezs_uJ3hvyHF0N$>;
WEBINAR Presentation Click Here<https://uidaho.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvcO6trTgrGda7Ez8TcMp6jsOgWZojDgPS>

*FREE LUNCH provided to in-person attendees registered 24 hours in advance


An energy model is neither a Revit button nor a “one-and-done” design activity. Rather, energy models allow designers to go beyond aesthetics and see options through the lens of energy performance. The speaker identifies four phases where models improve energy performance and provide compelling evidence that energy models quantify performance of ideas that designers are interested in exploring. The speaker presents a scalable energy model workflow, and even share insights where models pay for themselves, including changes to the 179D energy efficiency tax deduction enabled by the Inflation Reduction Act. Leveraging valuable energy models throughout design helps architects achieve both aesthetic design goals AND ambitious energy performance targets.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Appraise their firm’s approach and process to include an energy model as part of the design process.

2. Assess proven data that demonstrates that an early-phase energy model improves outcomes throughout the design process, leading to enhanced energy performance.

3. Apply concepts and analytical insights so their firm leverages energy models throughout design to improve both aesthetics and energy performance.

4. Use the Early Phase Energy Model Checklist as part of their early-phase project discussions, charrettes, and design studies.

5. Produce designs that are eligible for the generous 179D energy efficiency tax deduction.

Amanda Bogner
Amanda Bogner is passionate about architecture and sustainability; she lives and breathes energy savings and provides clients with meaningful energy modeling analysis. She has significant knowledge of building systems, and how those systems affect a facility’s overall performance. Her company’s tagline reflects her deep passion: “become more powerless.” Sometimes, Amanda whispers that she’s trying to “convert the heathens.”

Amanda, president of ENERGY STUDIO, is a registered mechanical engineer and is a certified ASHRAE building energy modeling professional (BEMP) with 20-years of project experience. She has dedicated her career to providing meaningful energy modeling analysis to owners and design teams.

Amanda received her undergraduate degree in Architectural Engineering from the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas. She began her career at Leo A Daly Company in Omaha, Nebraska as a mechanical designer. While at Leo A Daly, she designed HVAC systems for a variety of projects and led the LEED documentation effort for Nebraska’s first LEED certified project – National Park Service Regional Headquarters. In 2006, Amanda joined BVM Engineering (now IES) in Atlanta, Georgia where she led the energy modeling department. In this role, her project portfolio included several skyline-changing projects like 300 North LaSalle in Chicago, IL, and Atlantic Station in Atlanta, GA, and Eighth Avenue Place, Calgary, Alberta.In 2010, Amanda founded Energy Studio to provide energy modeling and management services to architects, engineers, developers, and building owners. The firm is a Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) certified women’s business enterprise (WBE) and women-owned small business (WOSB). Since inception, ENERGY STUDIO has provided energy analysis services for over 400 projects in 38 states, including over 100 LEED projects. Their energy analysis services have affected over 60 million gross square feet of built space, which results in healthier, more energy-efficient, and cost-effective spaces for facility managers and occupants.Amanda’s ENERGY STUDIO team serves clients across the country, and she is a registered professional engineer in California, District of Columbia, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.


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