[Bldg-sim] Survey on HVAC system design practice

Christoph Reinhart tito_ at mit.edu
Tue Dec 13 08:11:16 PST 2022

Dear all:
Ali Irani from our lab has been working on a new workflow to integrate spatial and performance implications of different HVAC systems earlier in the design process. To learn more, check out the prototype<https://netzerobuildings.mit.edu/hvac-design> that we just tested in our introductory class at MIT.  Comments are very well.
To better understand current practices and needs, we developed a brief, fully anonymized, online survey that we cordially invite you to participate in. Depending on your role, please select either the Sustainability Analyst<https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bCpPYEcVY7yyrpc> or Architectural Designer<https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cPdhVOWmfO97Ymq> version.
If relevant, please also forward this email to other members of your team.
Thank you for your time and happy holidays!
Christoph Reinhart
Alan and Terri Spoon Professor of Architecture and Climate
Department of Architecture
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave, Rm 5-418, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
t: 617 253 7714, f: 617 253 6152, creinhart at mit.edu<mailto:creinhart at mit.edu>
Sustainable Design Lab<http://mit.edu/SustainableDesignLab/> | Solemma<http://www.solemma.com/> | UBEM.IO<https://www.ubem.io/>

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