[Bldg-sim] May 2021 IBPSA-USA Newsletter
Steven Ayala
sayala81 at gmail.com
Tue May 18 09:03:00 PDT 2021
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May 2021 Newsletter
*Ask a Modeler: How Can We Maintain Better Compatibility Between Models, or
Do We Need To?*
This month Conor Rielly, Building Energy Analyst at CannonDesign,
replies: *"Dear
Consistency, We have been down this path before, especially if you have an
involved mechanical or electrical engineer. It is way into a construction
document or permit set development cycle, and everyone is anxious to get
the documents out the door and know what the energy model is predicting for
design EUI or LEED points..."*
Read More.
News From Our Sponsors:
*DesignBuilder v7 is Released*
DesignBuilder v7 is now released! The new version comes with a range of
powerful new features that extend DesignBuilder’s capabilities and improve
modeling workflow and productivity. Learn more and sign-up for a free May
20th webinar.
Read More. <https://www.ibpsa.us/news/designbuilder-v7-released>
*National Energy-Code of Canada for Buildings 2017 (NECB) - IES Ltd.*
*NEW* building energy compliance tool from *IES Ltd.* for the Canadian
construction industry, provides automation for the NECB-2017. Includes
step-code metrics (TEDI, TEUI, GHGI, Pass/Fail). Partially funded by *Natural
Resources Canada*. Free demos and training available.
Read More. <https://www.iesve.com/software/necb>
*Maximizing Building Performance: Top Metrics Engineers Need to Know -
Engineers must prepare for an array of challenges as global energy codes
become stricter. As buildings are responsible for 39% of total carbon
emissions, the design practice is evolving to incorporate data driven
energy efficiency. To be successful, the first step is to understand the
metrics necessary to perform early-stage analyses and collaborate across
several teams.
Read More.
See All News <http://www.ibpsa.us/news>
Upcoming Events <http://ibpsa.us/events> & Training
*May 19: A Demo of Common BIM to BEM Workflows Using gbXML and the New
gbXML Validator*
This webinar is targeted toward energy modelers, energy auditors,
engineers, architects, software vendors, and generally anyone who is
interested in learning about Building Information Modeling (BIM) to
Building Energy Modeling (BEM) workflows utilizing gbXML and the new gbXML
Learn More.
*May 20: IBPSA-USA Denver Chapter: Student Presentations 2021*
Research into the next generation of simulation tools and techniques is
being carried out at universities, but much of this information is not
transferred to the practitioners. For this SimClub event, graduate students
from the University of Colorado-Boulder and the Colorado School of Mines
will give short summaries of their current research projects.
Learn More.
*May 25: IBPSA-USA Boston Chapter: Emerging Simulation Techniques Across
Industry and Academia*
In this presentation, Krista Palen of Transsolar and Christoph Reinhart of
the MIT Building Technology Program will discuss emerging simulation
techniques across industry and academia, including applications of
daylight, thermal, and natural ventilation simulation.
Learn More.
*May 27: Using Agile to Run Your Performance Analysis Team more
Effectively, Lessons from Software Design - IBPSA-USA Research Committee*
Software engineering has a lot in common with building design. A diverse,
technical team of individuals work independently on a series of tasks that
are intended to lead to an integrated product. This presentation,
featuring Andrew Corney from Trimble - SketchUp, explores techniques used
at the micro-level in software which could potentially dramatically improve
the effectiveness of engineering teams in building services.
Learn More.
*June 24: Design for COVID-19 and Beyond: New Use Cases for Computational
Fluid Dynamics and Multi-Agent Simulation - IBPSA-USA Research Committee*
COVID-19 has challenged our community to rethink the way buildings are
designed and engineered. In this talk, researchers at Autodesk will present
two projects that make use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and a
third project involving multi-agent simulation, to explore the potential
benefits of these detailed modeling techniques in the face of infectious
diseases and climate change.
Learn More.
Other Events & Training:
*May 19: BSUG May Webinar - Weather Normalization and Climate Design Tools*
This presentation will cover the resources that Integrated Design Lab uses
to find, filter, and format both typical and historical weather data for
any location. We will cover a variety of free data repositories and
technologies available to design professionals.
Learn More.
*May 20: DesignBuilder V7 New Feature Review*
Join us for a free webinar on May 20th to learn more about the latest
tools, and to pick up some top tips for getting the most out of the
software. The webinar will demonstrate and preview some of the key
DesignBuilder v7 improvements.
Learn More. <https://www.ibpsa.us/designbuilder-v7-new-feature-review>
*June 22-30: EnergyPlus for Practitioners Training - Big Ladder Software*
This workshop focuses on the needs of the energy modeling practitioner in
order to get you up to speed and highly productive with EnergyPlus as
quickly as possible. We cover the fundamentals of EnergyPlus such as
geometry and internal loads while rapidly ramping up to advanced topics
such as HVAC systems and controls.
Learn More.
*July 12-14: OpenStudio Launch Pad Training - Big Ladder Software*
This workshop aims to quickly launch you into the world of the OpenStudio
application for EnergyPlus. We cover the major features and capabilities of
the application including creating and editing geometry using the full
OpenStudio plugin for SketchUp, managing space types and internal loads,
and configuring HVAC systems and controls.
Learn More.
Committees and Working Groups
We encourage all members to participate in our BEM Community. Our wide
array of Committees offer members the opportunity to participate in
important work, meeting new friends and feel great about moving our
industry forward. All committee meetings are open and we encourage everyone
to drop in anytime.
*See our meeting calendar for all upcoming meeting dates and times.*
- Research <https://www.ibpsa.us/committees-and-working-groups#Research>
- Education
- Communications
- Finance and Development
- Building Data Exchange
- Chapters <https://www.ibpsa.us/committees-and-working-groups#Chapters>
IBPSA-USA Education on Demand
New Videos Added <https://www.ibpsa.us/videos/all>
Optimizing Hospitals for Energy, Carbon, Daylight, and Cost
Quantifying the Unknown: Non-Destructive Tools for Existing Buildings -
IBPSA-USA Research Committee
Below are just a few of the jobs available now. Browse current open
listings on our job board, and sign-up to post your own:
*https://jobs.ibpsa.us/* <https://jobs.ibpsa.us/>
In-Homes Program Director at the Community Energy Project
Building Performance Analyst at the Green Engineer
Buildings Energy Modeling Engineer at PNNL
Thank you to our sponsors for their continued support!
Become an IBPSA-USA sponsor. <https://www.ibpsa.us/become-sponsor>See all
of our sponsors. <https://www.ibpsa.us/our-sponsors>
<https://www.designbuilder.co.uk/> <https://www.trane.com/>
<https://www.edsltas.com/> <http://www.iesve.com/>
<https://www.group14eng.com/> <https://www.cove.tools/>
<https://www.sketchup.com/> <http://www.atelierten.com/>
*Copyright © 2021 IBPSA-USA, All rights reserved.*
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