[Bldg-sim] Postdoc Fellow Position in High Performance Building at Georgia Tech

Tarek Rakha rakha.tarek at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 12:59:21 PST 2019

Greetings Bldg-sim,

The High Performance Building Lab (HPBL
<https://arch.gatech.edu/high-performance-building>) at Georgia Tech is
recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to join an exciting project funded by the
US Department of Energy called Aerial Intelligence for Retrofit Building
Energy Modeling (AirBEM
Please encourage your PhD students to consider joining us by applying for
the position. More details can be found in the employment opportunity here

Application packages received by January 31st 2020 will have the best
chance for the available fellowship.

Thank you!



*Tarek Rakha* Ph.D.
*Assistant Professor *| High Performance Building

*School of Architecture* | College of Design

*Georgia* Institute of *Tech*nology

rakha at design.gatech.edu
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