[Bldg-sim] IBPSA-Denver - March 21 - The Weather Out There
Aaron Boranian
aaron.boranian at bigladdersoftware.com
Thu Feb 28 07:42:42 PST 2019
Come join us in-person or via webinar for the next IBPSA-Denver event!
The Weather Out There
[image: weather.jpg]
All energy models depend on accurate weather data. So in a changing
climate, what is accurate? This Colorado-centric discussion covers:
- Measured data sets such as TMY and AMY data
- Computer simulated weather data
- Interpreting weather data - confidence versus skepticism
- State of weather software tools and future climate and weather data
- Colorado Front Range weather and design day trends
Linda Morrison is the Building Performance Team Leader of Ambient Energy, a
sustainable design and energy consulting firm celebrating 15 years. As
part of her commitment to developing the industry, she has spoken at
Greenbuild, AIA, and I2SL national conferences, local conferences, and as
an instructor for the AIA+2030 Challenge series presenting “Right-Sized:
Equipment and Controls for Super-Efficiency Buildings.”
*Thursday, March 21, 6 – 8pm*
(6-6:30 network, 6:30-7:30 presentations, 7:30-8 questions)
Ambient Energy
1449 7th Street
Suite 490, Aerospace and Engineering Sciences, Metropolitan State
University of Denver
Denver, CO 80204
$10 - Register online <https://rockymtnashrae.com/meetinginfo.php?id=256> or
at the door
Contact info: Aaron Boranian | aaron.boranian at bigladdersoftware.com
*Remote Webinar:*
(6:30-7:30 presentations, 7:30-8 questions)
No charge for remote attendance.
Registration URL:
Webinar ID: 795-001-971
Participants can use their telephone or computer mic & speakers (VoIP).
United States: +1 (562) 247-8422
Access Code: 472-662-730
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the webinar
Aaron Boranian
808 895-1741
Big Ladder Software LLC
1624 Market Street, Suite 304
Denver, CO 80202
http://bigladdersoftware.com <http://www.bigladdersoftware.com/>
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