[Bldg-sim] cove.tool meets revit - Revit plugin Walk through
Sandeep Ahuja
sandeep.ahuja at patternarch.com
Tue Oct 3 07:56:43 PDT 2017
RSVP below for this free lecture tomorrow at noon ET
cove.tool meets Revit - cove.tool | Cost vs. Energy ...<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/covetool-meets-revit-covetool-cost-vs-energy-optimization-tickets-38333852585>
Eventbrite - Cove.tool presents cove.tool meets Revit - cove.tool | Cost vs. Energy Optimization - Wednesday, October 4, 2017 - Find event and ticket information.
What is cove.tool?
cove.tool is a decision making software that helps optimizebuilding options for first cost and life cycle cost. To meet a certain building energy target, we don't need to select the best performing HVAC system with the highest R-value wall and the best U-value of glass. We can get away with less. cove.toolquickly allows us to analyze every possible option to pick the one that makes most sense for cost and energy. Get the most bang for your buck.
Be in the driver's seat and request features that are important to you!
Sandeep Ahuja, WELL AP, LEED AP BD+C
ILFI Facilitator and Ambassador, USGBC Faculty
50 Hurt Plaza Suite 655, Atlanta, Georgia 30303
t 404.583.0924 sandeep.ahuja at patternarch.com<mailto:sandeep.ahuja at patternarch.com>
Pattern r+d Performance Driven Design
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