[Bldg-sim] measurement of SHGC in the field

Chris Yates chris.malcolm.yates at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 02:12:18 PST 2017

Correction > 400 nm misses uv-a as well.

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 10:10 AM, Chris Yates <chris.malcolm.yates at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi Nathan
> Does the li-cor measure short enough wavelengths? I thought a lot of the
> uv was < 400nm. I guess that most "selective coatings" have quite a big
> crossover to the visible range in their reflectivity - hence the slight
> green or blue hues. So, I can imagine that missing some of the uv-b isn't
> too big a deal.
> Both responses are super interesting. Thank you very much!
> Chris
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 6:54 PM, D. Charlie Curcija <dccurcija at lbl.gov>
> wrote:
>> At LBNL, in collaboration with University Federal Santa Catarina (UFSC),
>> Brazil, we have designed partable window energy meter that measures SHGC in
>> the filed. The instrument is not yet commercialized, but two companies are
>> exploring commercialization (D&S and EPDT). In a mean time, UFSC can
>> manufacture unit for you. I can supply you with contact information if you
>> are interested. Also, attached link to US DOE newsletter about the
>> instrument: https://energy.gov/eere/articles/us-brazil-colla
>> boration-leads-innovative-device-reduces-energy-use-buildings.
>> Charlie
>> On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Nathan Brown via Bldg-sim <
>> bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Chris —
>>> That instrument won’t do it, because it is not sensitive to infrared.
>>> More than half of irradiance is in the near IR (aka solar infrared). You
>>> need a pyranometer (LiCor is our go-to
>>> <https://www.licor.com/env/products/light/pyranometer.html>, or an
>>> Eppley
>>> <http://www.eppleylab.com/instrument-list/standard-precision-pyranometer/> for
>>> critical measurements, although that is probably overkill for this). I
>>> would measure vertical irradiance just inside and just outside the glass
>>> under direct sunlight. Here in the Bay Area, there is a tool lending
>>> library that will loan a pyranometer. Perhaps you can find a similar source
>>> closer to you.
>>> Best,
>>> Nathan
>>> Nathan Brown, BEMP, LEED AP ~ Associate
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> 1917 Clement Avenue, Building 10A
>>> Alameda,CA 94501 USA
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>>> 510 521 3820 <(510)%20521-3820> FAX
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> www.coolshadow.com
>>> On Nov 10, 2017, at 3:08 AM, Chris Yates via Bldg-sim <
>>> bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org> wrote:
>>> Dear all
>>> We are trying to get a reasonable estimate for SHGC in the field.
>>> Our project is a retrofit of a relatively recent build that has
>>> overheating problems. No records exist of the original glazing spec.
>>> The glazing has a slight green tint; i.e. the "look and feel" of a
>>> fairly modern spectrally selective product with g-value (sorry SHGC) of
>>> about 0.4. However, a team member has now produced some records indicating
>>> this is significantly higher (more like 0.6).
>>> Does anybody have any experience or know of any research relating to
>>> this?
>>> *I was thinking of something like this, taking measurements on the
>>> horizontal and vertical plane inside and out:
>>> https://www.uv-light.co.uk/meters/irradiance-and-exposure/
>>> <https://www.uv-light.co.uk/meters/irradiance-and-exposure/>*
>>> Our saint gobain rep tells me their spectrographic equipment is 50,000
>>> GBP - a bit out of our price range! (They've offered to test a sample for
>>> us!).
>>> Cheers
>>> Chris
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>> *D. Charlie Curcija**, Ph.D. **                    Tel: (510) 495-2602
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