[Bldg-sim] Impacts of the elections on the Energy Modeling/Analysis industry?
Dennis Knight via Bldg-sim
bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Fri Jan 20 14:28:47 PST 2017
Thank you for the very thoughtful commentary. To add to your resource list
for those of us in the building simulation community who are interested in
economics and life cycle costs and their role in decision making and want
to explore economics from a historical perspective to get a feel for just
how quickly things can change, I suggest reading Thomas Picketty's
"Capital in the Twenty First Century," and listening to (I do not think it
is available in print) a series of lectures in the Great Lecture series
titled "An Economic History of the World Since 1400" narrated by Professor
Donald J. Harreld. Mr. Picketty is an economist from France - where
financial records have been well kept for over 300 years now. The series
of lectures covers nearly 600 years of economic history tied to the various
governments, policies and politics of the day for nearly every culture and
region of the world - right up to today. Both are rather long - but well
done with good references if you like to study these topics.
On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Nicholas Caton via Bldg-sim <
bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org> wrote:
> Cross-posting to [bldg-sim], for inclusiveness.
> This isn’t really a political forum (and neither are these communities
> isolated to the USA), however since historically these are professional /
> civil groups & there’s enough “politically neutral” ground to cover where
> this could impact our broader “industry,” I think there’s some space for a
> constructive discussion if others are interested.
> It’s good navigating into such a discussion / prompt to keep in mind that
> “we” as a co-supporting community are a very diverse group. Some of us
> enjoy relatively direct ties to different sides of the construction
> industry (and buildings are always getting built, regardless of the broader
> political/economic situation), while other valued contributors’ grants,
> careers, and employers depend on federal and state funding sources, so I
> have no doubts some folks’ livelihoods could be much more directly impacted
> than others.
> Personally I feel most reported developments in this election cycle
> concerning our industry have been sensationalized to a point that it’s
> difficult to tell what (if any) impacts we can realistically expect for our
> day-to-day. It’s too easy for any speculation to turn deconstructive, in
> my humble opinion, so I’m abstaining from making any predictions.
> I am however keen to learn more about some specific recent developments –
> I’ll provide a couple links where others can learn more and develop
> independent, educated assessments:
> 1. Short/Long-term impact of policies which will support / redirect
> the renewables industry & other facets of our power infrastructure.
> a. The momentum of change is afoot for many of our utilities across
> the nation, independent of anything our government does to intervene in the
> markets. The costs of renewables and alternatives to traditional fossil
> fuels are a moving target, and the need for transmission/infrastructure to
> support our power grid isn’t going anywhere. Utilities will continue to
> bear the burden of accommodating these strains – who knows where we’ll be
> in 10 years?
> b. That said, policies enacted in the next few years at the federal
> level could have large repercussions on regional energy costs & volatility
> for better/worse.
> c. I’m expecting to see some changes come about in response to
> water infrastructure (Flint, MI) and air quality / pollution concerns
> across state lines. Granted, these don’t typically work into your average
> building energy simulation, but these are national/regional issues we’ll
> need to stay abreast of for appropriately engineering / architect-ing (?)
> the built environment.
> 2. The politicization of climate change & the implicit consequences
> that may have on our community of weather scientists & maintained weather
> resources
> a. The landscape of hosting/repositories for TMY, Historical (AMY),
> Live, and Future (Forecast model) weather data may be changing – stuff easy
> to acquire now may be hard to acquire later
> b. Data that has been “free” (to the end user) in years past might
> require a budget in years to come.
> c. The number of federal dollars awarded to support
> careers/projects concerned with weather science may diminish.
> 3. Recent EPA & DOE appointees:
> a. The DOE and EPA are tied in many ways to the first 2 points, and
> to the administration/furtherance Energy Star, LEED, and similar programs.
> b. The EPA is to be led by Scott Pruitt, attorney general of
> Oklahoma:
> i. Scott
> Pruitt on Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Pruitt>
> ii. Reuters
> article on this appointment
> <http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-epa-idUSKBN13W2HE> (which
> seems relatively neutral – not as bombastic as most outlets & provides some
> opposing viewpoints)
> iii. A
> Senate confirmation hearing occurred Wednesday of this week.
> iv. Watching
> the whole thing will require nearly 6 hours, but I intend to piece through
> this myself before jumping to any pundits’ highlight reels. What I’ve seen
> so far in the first couple hours has left me more comfortable with Mr.
> Pruitt’s appointment than where I started.
> 1. Scott Pruitt Round #1: https://youtu.be/e7cFeauiqTE
> 2. Scott Pruitt Round #2: https://youtu.be/iX0Rw-3Ndw8
> c. The DOE is to be headed by Rick Perry, governor for the state of
> Texas:
> i. Rick
> Perry on Energy & Oil
> <http://www.ontheissues.org/Governor/Rick_Perry_Energy_+_Oil.htm> (
> ontheissues.org)
> ii. Rick
> Perry on Environment
> <http://www.ontheissues.org/Governor/Rick_Perry_Environment.htm> (
> ontheissues.org)
> iii. At a
> republican primary debate (notably, 6 years ago), he simultaneously cited
> the DOE as one of 3 government agencies he wanted to eliminate entirely,
> and also forgot its name (department of energy). This may signal large
> changes are afoot for the agency responsible for energy efficiency
> standards, R&D grants for renewables, and the development of programs the
> energyplus engine.
> iv. Governor
> Perry has been consistently vocal skeptic on the science of climate change,
> which must be at least unnerving for some of our county’s climate
> scientists.
> v. His
> senate confirmation hearing is was Thursday of this week. I haven’t
> personally had time to watch any of it yet, but I’m looking forward to
> piecing through the whole thing myself & am avoiding other pundits’
> opinions/articles/highlight-reels: https://www.c-span.org/video/?
> 421782-1/energy-secretary-nominee-rick-perry-testifies-
> confirmation-hearing
> vi. The
> DOE’s ongoing funding for development of the energyplus engine/platform was
> not brought up to my knowledge in any recent political exchanges or on the
> campaign trails, but with new leadership there is some potential this
> substantial amount of funding might shift upward/downward or spread in new
> directions: $2.5M in FY2016 and $72.5M to-date
> <https://energy.gov/eere/buildings/downloads/energyplus-0>
> vii. There
> was a news item in wide circulation
> <http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/energy-department-balks-team-trumps-climate-witch-hunt>
> concerning a “witch hunt” request from the Trump transition team of the DOE
> to provide a list of staffers involved with international climate change
> agreements & climate change science, though that request has since been
> rescinded
> <https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2016/12/14/trump-transition-says-request-for-names-of-climate-scientists-was-not-authorized/?utm_term=.9da754f2b8ba>.
> I’ve sourced the original query text
> <https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/politics/questions-posed-by-president-elect-trumps-transition-team-to-energy-department-officials/2143/?rtef&tid=a_inl>
> (see item #13 in the document) and it seems to me this was just a political
> gaffe blown out of proportion – to my eye it’s exactly the sort of request
> one would make to help get someone fully caught up on the state of such
> issues.
> d. It will be these appointees’ job to execute/implement the
> president’s agenda, which may conflict with their personal agendas in some
> areas. If anything, I feel that makes things less predictable for our
> industry.
> 4. New leadership within other federal agencies (GSA, DoD) could
> make new moves with respect to requirements for more or less of the likes
> of meeting specific energy standards and/or LEED certification for their
> construction contracts.
> 5. Speaking specifically to citizenship & nationalities: the
> diversity of our energy simulation community around the world and within
> the USA is something I think we all celebrate and mutually benefit from in
> a multitude of direct & indirect ways. A lot has been said on the campaign
> trail to merit concern for families and individuals who do not hold full
> citizenship status. I’m personally vested and hopeful to observe this
> rhetoric toned down in the months to come.
> Despite these areas of concern, skillsets in building energy simulation
> will *absolutely* remain of concrete value in years to come. I don’t
> think we’re in any pending danger of unlimited/free energy sources or
> political heads otherwise rendering such expertise obsolete! I also
> wouldn’t read much into the ebbs/flows of job postings on the
> onebuilding.org lists. These really are not job boards, and when I’m
> hiring to fill a specific seat it’s not my first preference to hit up such
> a huge audience with such a wide range of qualifications/experience. I
> much prefer a more targeted candidate search based on my own networking.
> I’m sure that’s true of most folks in similar positions.
> Any expressed political opinions are my own thoughts, and not necessarily
> those of my employers. I would assume that to be true of any other
> responses to this thread unless explicitly stated otherwise.
> ~Nick
> *Nick Caton, P.E., BEMP*
> Senior Energy Engineer
> Energy and Sustainability Services
> Schneider Electric
> D 913.564.6361 <(913)%20564-6361>
> M 785.410.3317 <(785)%20410-3317>
> E nicholas.caton at schneider-electric.com
> F 913.564.6380 <(913)%20564-6380>
> 15200 Santa Fe Trail Drive
> Suite 204
> Lenexa, KS 66219
> United States
> [image: cid:image001.png at 01D189AB.58634A10]
> *From:* Equest-users [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
> <equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org>] *On Behalf Of *Deepak
> Vaidya via Equest-users
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:11 PM
> *To:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* [Equest-users] Impacts of the elections on the Energy
> Modeling/Analysis industry?
> Hi everyone,
> Hope you guys are doing great. I want to start a conversation here
> (basically to fill myself in with some info) to understand what impacts
> will be there on the energy analysis/modeling industry after January 20.
> Will there be less jobs in the market or things will come back to the
> normal situation again? I remember seeing Job position on this eQuest group
> every other day almost 6 months back (and before that) but now I don't see
> any job postings here. In fact, there are very less jobs in the market
> currently which makes me wonder if the energy efficiency industry already
> reached it's peak (in terms of opportunities & jobs) & things will go down
> from here?
> I also want to apologize if this "out of the topic" question offends you &
> brings another spam in your emails but I am just curious here. Thanks,
> - Deepak V.
> Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever. *–
> Walt Disney*
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M. Dennis Knight, P.E., FASHRAE
Founder & CEO
*W*hole *B*uilding *S*ystems, LLC
P.O. Box 1845
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29465
Phone: 843-437-3647
Email: dknight at wholebuildingsystems.com
Website: www.wholebuildingsystems.com
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