[Bldg-sim] Building Simulation 2017 Announcements

Steven Ayala via Bldg-sim bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Thu Nov 17 15:42:27 PST 2016

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*[image: BS2017Logo_medium.jpg] <http://www.buildingsimulation2017.org/>*

*November 17, 2016*


   *Registration open*

   *Student competition announced*

   *Reminder - Presentation/session proposals due December 15*

   *Reminder - Conference papers due November 30*

*Registration Open!*

You may now register for Building Simulation 2017.


Why attend?

This conference is the premier international gathering of the building
performance simulation industry. The program includes sessions on
leading-edge research as well as presentations on best practices.
Simulation practitioners, building designers, researchers, software
developers, and policy makers will all find compelling information and

   - See how firms around the world use simulation for building design and
   code compliance
   - Find out which tools are they using, when and why
   - Learn how they incorporate simulation into their work flows and
   maximize its benefit to projects and to their business
   - Discuss your needs with software vendors and simulation consultants
   - Explore partnering and other new business relationships
   - Connect with the best graduating students and with young professionals
   looking for employment opportunities
   - Learn from researchers about the future of simulation and building

The world-class conference venue is the downtown Hyatt Regency Hotel in San
Francisco, located on the Embarcadero across from the Ferry Building.

*[image: FerryBuilding_400W.jpg]*

*Student Competition*

As part of the 2017 Building Simulation Conference, IBPSA is organizing a
student modeling competition. This year’s competition involves using
computer simulation to design and test a laboratory building with mixed
uses including labs, offices and classroom spaces located in downtown San
Francisco, CA, USA.

Find details here: http://buildingsimulation2017.org/competitions.html

*[image: StudentCompetition_400W.jpg]*
*Reminder - Presentation/Session Proposals due December 15*

An exciting new feature of the Building Simulation conference is the
opportunity to present alternative sessions that complement the traditional
peer-reviewed paper sessions. These new sessions provide opportunities for
practitioners to report on their work, for researchers to present
compelling late-breaking findings, and for all participants to engage in
discussions about the building modeling field.

Pre-proposal submissions are being accepted through December 15, 2016.

For more information please go to

*[image: Session_400W.jpg]*
 *Reminder - Conference Papers Due November 30*

Building Simulation 2017 received 827 abstracts for peer-reviewed papers.
Each has been double-blind reviewed by at least 3 referees. 578 have been
accepted. The author(s) have been notified and invited to submit full
papers by 30 November 2015.

Instructions for paper format are found here:

Questions about peer-reviewed paper preparation or submission should be
sent to bs17papers at ibpsa.us.

*[image: PaperPresentation_400W.jpg]*

*Endorsing Organizations*

  *www.buildingsimulation2017.org <http://www.buildingsimulation2017.org/>*

Hosted by the U.S. Affiliate of the International Building Performance
Simulation Association (IBPSA-USA).

*[image: IBPSA Logo with words.JPG] <http://ibpsa.us/>*
Follow Building Simulation 2017 on Facebook and Twitter:
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*Copyright © 2016 IBPSA-USA, All rights reserved.*

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