[Bldg-sim] Simulation Tool Recommendations

Rune Korsholm Andersen rva at byg.dtu.dk
Thu May 21 00:02:31 PDT 2015

Dear James,

You could try IDA ICE. It has a strong airflow network model and both the PMV/PPD and adaptive models of thermal comfort are implemented. Compared to other tools (that I know of) it is strong on systems, extremely versatile and easy to use. The downside is slow simulations - especially for large models with many zones.

The guys at EQUA have told me that the slow simulations are a consequence of the airflow model (which you cannot turn off). According to them, IDA ICE is actually fast compared to other programmes (e.g. Energy+) with the air flow model running.

Best regards

Rune Korsholm Andersen, Ph.d.

Senior Researcher / Assiciate professor
International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy

DTU Civil Engineering

Technical University of Denmark


Department of Civil Engineering

Nils Koppels Allé

Building 402

2800  Kgs. Lyngby

Direct +45 45254029

Mobile +45 50733923

rva at byg.dtu.dk<mailto:rva at byg.dtu.dk>

skypeID: rune.v.andersen

From: Bldg-sim [mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of James Woodall
Sent: 20. maj 2015 19:35
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-sim] Simulation Tool Recommendations

I am currently exploring different building performance simulation tools that can provide an architecture firm with capability to carry out more detailed forms of performance analysis. In addition to a whole building energy modelling tool, I would like to carry out network airflow modelling and thermal comfort evaluation of passive design proposals.

Can anyone suggest or recommend tool/s currently available which provides this level of functionality? I am currently evaluating Sefaira as a more conceptual tool in addition to IESVE, but would like to know if other alternatives are available.

Many thanks,

James Woodall

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