[Bldg-sim] FW: Daylight Modeling: learn +++ practice +++ compete
Christoph Reinhart
tito_ at mit.edu
Wed Jul 22 17:33:06 PDT 2015
Dear colleagues,
Some of you might be interested in two new resources for self-learning and/or teaching advanced daylight simulations using Radiance and Daysim via DIVA as well as a student competition.
Learn: We prepared close to three hours of video tutorials<file:///C:\Users\tito_\Dropbox\Projects\MIT_Website\SustianableDesignLab\projects\DIVATutorials\index.html> for DIVA covering advanced concepts such as annual daylight availability and glare simulations for dynamic facades as well as setting up electric lighting designs and control strategies.
Practice: For teaching and background reading, the tutorials are further linked to several teaching exercises<http://web.mit.edu/sustainabledesignlab/projects/DaylightingHandbook/resources.htm> that we have been using in introductory and advanced classes on daylighting and environmental design. In person DIVA training<http://diva4rhino.com/page/diva-day-2015-training-course-schedule> will be offered in conjunction with DIVA Day on October 22 and 24 at the Architectural Association in London.
Compete: Finally, please alert any of your student contacts of our 2nd DIVA Day student competition<http://diva4rhino.com/diva-day-2015/student-competition>. We want to see how you are using DIVA. The winner(s) will receive a £1000 stipend to cover travel costs to DIVA Day, free conference registration, and will have their submission displayed during DIVA Day, on 23 October 2015! The submission deadline is September 19.
Happy simulations,
Christoph Reinhart
Associate Professor
Department of Architecture
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave, Rm 5-418, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
t: 617 253 7714, f: 617 253 6152, creinhart at mit.edu<mailto:creinhart at mit.edu>
Sustainable Design Lab<http://mit.edu/SustainableDesignLab/> | DIVA<http://www.diva4rhino.com/> | Daysim<http://daysim.ning.com/> | mapdwell<http://www.mapdwell.com/> | umi<http://www.urbanmodeling.net/>
Events Modeling Urban Sustainability<https://model-sustainability.mit.edu/> | DIVA Day 2015 <http://diva4rhino.com/diva-day-2015>
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