[Bldg-sim] Has anyone ever downloaded the “rtcontrib Lesson” document on Radiance-online?

Wookey wookey at wookware.org
Tue Apr 28 04:37:27 PDT 2015

+++ Robin Mitchell [2015-04-27 15:13 -0700]:
> From Andy McNeil at LBNL
> Axel took down the rtcontrib tutorial as a protest of EFA lighting design
> guidelines for daylight simulation.
> http://www.jaloxa.eu/resources/radiance/documentation/docs/rtcontrib_lesson.pdf

Interesting but mysterious. I can tell that he's pissed off about
something about the new guidelines, but not what, or why.

Seems unfortunate that he feels removing useful info is the right

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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