[Bldg-sim] New Energyplus interface (free)

daoud.ahmed at lte.ireq.ca daoud.ahmed at lte.ireq.ca
Mon Oct 24 07:19:23 PDT 2011

A new version of SIMEB (3.0 beta) is now available. 


- Integration of calculation engines EnergyPlus and DOE-2.2

- Added a geometric mode that generates and supports a geometry
building in three dimensions created by Google Sketchup (openstudio)

- Calculation of energy cost of simulated consumption-based pricing

of Hydro-Quebec and Gaz Métroplitaine.

- bilingual (French / English) dynamically modifiable by menu


To download it please visit www.simeb.ca


Ahmed Daoud., M. Sc. A., Ph.D.

Chercheur, Researcher

Institut de Recherche d'Hydro-Québec
:  daoud.ahmed at lte.ireq.ca



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