[Bldg-sim] EE4 - Heat Pumps

Katherine Louman-Gardiner klgardiner at flowgroup.ca
Thu Jan 6 09:10:24 PST 2011


Has anyone used EE4 before?  It's a Canadian compliance software

I've modeled a Combination Ground Source Heat Pump and Parallel boiler,
but the program requires that "the heating airflow temperature must
always be lower than the cooling airflow temperature."  Of course, with
my heating setpoint at 60F, and my cooling at 65F, I've got hundreds of
unmet hours.  I've put the zone heating capacities at unrealistically
high values to try to make up the heat, but that's not working either.

Has anyone encountered this problem before, or know why this constraint
is in place?  

Thank you,


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