[Bldg-sim] Real time Weather Data

Chuck Khuen chuck.khuen at wxaglobal.com
Tue Jan 4 15:46:02 PST 2011


      The base for the historical output is the NOAA/NCEP/CFSR data set descried in the recent article 
      in the August 2010 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society available at - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/suppl/10.1175/2010BAMS3001.1
      This is a very comprehensive integration of 30 years of hourly forecast data re-analyzed (basically recalculated using all available observation data (land, sea, air and space) of what actually happened.  We have done a substantial amount of post-processing of this data to make it usable, put a front end on it to make it accessible and put a delivery back end on it to add in things like TMY (.EPW) generation.

      Since the Virtual weather stations we create also do very localized current conditions and 7-day hourly forecasts (what we think will be needed for building energy monitoring and management), the system also takes in all of the NOAA global and regional forecasts and all available hourly weather station ground observations and integrates them every hour to give very precise localized output.   So all of our virtual stations will have gap free hourly data from 30+ years back to 7 days ahead.  We can produce the files and forecasts now and with luck this will all be available for direct access on line by announcement time later this month.

      Does this help?



Chuck Khuen
Weather Analytics Inc.

From: Arpan Bakshi 
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 6:15 PM
To: Chuck Khuen 
Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] Real time Weather Data


I am trying to understand how your sensor point system works. The weather stations are not physical but virtual? This means the data is interpolated using satellites and mathematical models?


On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 6:03 PM, Chuck Khuen <chuck.khuen at wxaglobal.com> wrote:


  Unfortunately it is far more complex than that.  While there is a great deal of overlap in the data from a METAR station and the data in an EPW file it is in a very different format and also it is highly unlikely that this SBKB station has all of the sensors necessary to produce that needed for EnergyPlus, particularly in the area of solar radiation...not to mention to have a statistically valid sample you should have 30 years of data  

  We will soon be charging for this data – a TMY (.EPW) file for a specific site – but since we can produce these for anywhere, I will run our system and send you this file under separate cover.


  Chuck Khuen
  Weather Analytics Inc.

  From: Francisco Massucci 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 5:27 PM
  To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org 
  Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] Real time Weather Data


    I'm trying to simulate models located on Campinas,Sp, a Brazilian city (near SBKP station).I made that point because I wonder if the Real Data Weather has the same kind of data than a METAR code, used for aviation. Or if it have the same number of variables in a commom .EPW file, used for simulate buildings. A METAR code is quite simple than a EPW file

    I would appreciate it if you could send me data from Campinas,SP - Brazil.

  Sorry about my bad english.


  .EPW is a format that is for one full year of hourly weather data for a defined set of weather variables utilized in its model (and others).  While this can be any specific year it is typically a Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) constructed by statistically selecting 12 most ‘representative’ months from 30 years of hourly data.  If you are looking for a .EPW (TMY) file we are about to announce a new system which will make these available for nearly anywhere.  Happy to explain more about the weather input to energyplus or provide samples if it helps.


  Chuck Khuen
  Weather Analytics Inc.

  On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Drury B Crawley <dbcrawley at gmail.com> wrote:

    See the documentation for real-time weather data here:  http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/pdfs/weatherdata_guide_34303.pdf

    The real-time weather data is recent data--you can choose the time period you want. The .EPWs on the web site are normally 'typical' weather files, usually constructed from months (determined to be most typical) from many different years.

    The weather data sources page has information about the various data sources:  http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/weatherdata_sources.cfm

    On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Francisco Massucci <massucci at gmail.com> wrote:


      I'm new in energyplus. I would like to know if the Real Time Weather Data has the same data of an .EPW file.

      Francisco Massucci

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