[Bldg-sim] 32-bit versus 64-bit computers - APEC HCC-V

Varkie C Thomas thomasv at iit.edu
Tue Jan 4 11:55:33 PST 2011

Thanks for all the replies saying it should work with Windows-7. My computer has Windows Vista.  I also got replies saying that they got the APEC HCC-V program to work on their 64-bit computer.   It seems the APEC HCC-V is still being used.  The program is in FORTRAN-66 and the first version (an input interface was added later) was issued in the late 1960s
I have uploaded the two APEC HCC-V  installation disks into http://bepan.info   I have also uploaded the EXCEL templates that generates tables and charts from DOE2.bin.  
I will upload the other original files and executable programs to the website after I know where this going.  I cannot take responsibility for public access to the website.  
I developed the information for graduate courses and the Ph.D. program at IIT while I was a full time employee at SOM.  The Ph.D. candidates who worked with me and Ray Clark (former Partner & Director of MEP at SOM and is now Adjunct at IIT) have the information.  They are now assistant/associate professors at other universities.  They are going to use it as reference to develop their own courses and we will be working with them.
Joe Dillinger (http://www.learnhvac.org/ and  http://su-per-b.org/) 
Ellen Franconi (http://www.rmi.org/rmi/)
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I bought the APEC (Automated Procedures for Engineering Consultants) APEC programs as memorabilia when it folded up in 2002.  APEC was founded in 1965.  The APEC HCC-V (Heating & Cooling Calculations version V) program can still be used.  At SOM it was used until 2002.  
I was able to install and run the HCC-V program on a 32-bit computer but not the 64-bit computer.  Does anyone know how to fix a 32-bit program to run on a 64-bit computer.  I have the source code.
HCC-V is based on the TETD method.  If you don't know what a decrement factor is, enter 0.5 (the range 0 to 1).  For an office bldg that closes at 6 PM make the time lag 3 hours (HCC assumes the peak hour is 3 PM) so that it affects the building during office hours.
You can find information about the APEC HCC-V program in the website 
under X - HVAC-Programs
Varkie Thomas
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