[Bldg-sim] Education for Energy Engineer

William Ryan wryan at uic.edu
Fri May 28 07:52:43 PDT 2010

Brad and Anyone with an Interest


The University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering, began offering a Masters in Energy Engineering
Degree in 2008.  This program is designed to be a Professional Development
program, focusing on applied courses, and structured to  serve working
engineers wishing to enter or extend their capabilities within the Energy
Industry.  This non-thesis degree requires 8 courses taken from a list of 10
courses - all designed for the program:

.         HVAC Design 

.         Power Generation 

.         Basics of Energy Engineering and Auditing

.         Engines

.         Combined Heat and Power 

.         Energy Efficient Design 

.         Advanced and Renewable Energy Engineering

.         Management of Engineering Projects

.         Nuclear Power Generation

.         Air Pollution

Courses feature a practical real world focus with instructors and guest
speakers from the industry.  Courses are all presented in the evening, and
each course is offered on a yearly basis - either in the spring or fall


Thus far, the program has enrolled over 70 active students and involves some
of the largest energy -oriented employers in Illinois.  I am attaching a
brochure on the program.  If attachments are not passed forward in the
Bldg-Sim system - please contact at the e-mail address or Phone number below



Bill Ryan


William Ryan Ph.D.

Research Asso. Professor, 

Director of the UIC Masters of Energy Engineering Program

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department

University of Illinois at Chicago    

Room 3053, 842 W Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60607

630-561-4448    wryan at uic.edu

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Brad Painting <bradpainting at gmail.com>

Hi All,

I am considering enrolling in a program to advance myself as an energy
engineer, or energy manager. Are there any Masters engineering programs that
would be helpful for excelling in the field and improving my marketability?
Or perhaps individual classes, or even trade school? I have had just about a
year of experience in energy modeling and auditing, and would like to learn
relevant concepts more thoroughly. I appreciate any suggestions.

Brad Painting



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