[Bldg-sim] Residential Building Modelling

Carol Gardner cmg750 at gmail.com
Sun May 23 19:20:24 PDT 2010

I know how to do this, Omer, as do others. Since I am self-employed,
however, I can't give you much information for free. That being said, your
approach will first depend on where you are located on this beautiful,
imperiled planet. Let us know location, height, footprint, other uses in the
building, etc. Your HVAC zones can be justifiably based on N, S, E, W
exposures and a core. You will want to create your own schedules or default
to the ones that exist in eQUEST for high rise residential buildings. I
would create my own schedules so I would know what's there. I would use
multipliers wherever I can justify doing so. I would model stairs separately
if they are conditioned using a separate system. I would spend probably a
day with paper drawings looking at floor plans, elevations, wall sections,
reflected ceiling plans, wall sections, window details, etc., etc., in an
attempt to see all there is to be seen. I would attempt to very carefully
consider all the future alligators that might bite me. In eQUEST, as well as
other tools, it is easier to accommodate too many spaces and their thermal
zones, than too few. In other words, it is harder to add spaces/thermal
zones later than it is to deal with too many.

Now others can agree with me. Or not...

Peace to you and all,


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 2:46 AM, <omoltay at mimtarch.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I want to have your opinions regarding how to approach modelling high rise
> residential buildings. I believe there is much more here that is up to the
> modeller to decide than office buildings. How do you determine occupant
> schedules for example? Or lighting schedules for that matter?
> Thanks,
> Omer Moltay, Mimta Ltd.
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Carol Gardner PE
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