[Bldg-sim] Fwd: Re: RE: Voodoo Engineering

Chris Jones cj at enersave.ca
Wed May 19 13:42:45 PDT 2010

Great analysis of energy modelling and the short comings of various 
simulation packages.  I especially agree with your analysis of 
equest.  I would prefer a much simpler interface with the option to 
edit the .inp file directly then run from the command line.  One can 
do this with equest but you also have to download the standalone 
version of DOE2.2 and mess around with the libraries before you can 
run an equest model from the command line.

Chris Jones
14 Oneida Avenue
Toronto, ON M5J 2E3.
Tel.  416-203-7465
Fax. 416-946-1005

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