[Bldg-sim] Questionnaire survey: Building performance simulation during the early design stage

sameh monna samehmona at yahoo.com
Tue May 18 17:24:27 PDT 2010

Dear Colleague 

objective of this questionnaire survey is to understand the role of 
building performance simulation during the early design stage.
The questionnaire survey will be a part of PhD study aims to develop an 
approach for intelligent building envelope design, to determine the 
performance of building envelope technologies and design alternatives in the early design stage.

are invited to participate in this survey.
Your feedback is important.
Please click the link below to begin the survey.


if you have problem opening the link please copy paste in your 

Sameh Monna 
PhD student, 
Environment Sciences & Technology (B.E.S.T) Department 
Polytechnic of Milan University 
 Pplease don't print this e-mail unless you really need to

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