[Bldg-sim] DOAS system

Sanjay Cholekar cholekar at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 26 23:21:48 PDT 2010

Hi ,Sambav,

DOAS dedicated Outside air System can be used in "active" chill beam system.


Sanjay Cholekar

From: Dusko Nikolic <dulen at xtra.co.nz>
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Sent: Sat, 27 March, 2010 10:26:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] DOAS system

On 27/03/2010 17:36, sambhav tiwari wrote: 
Hi All,
>>             I would like to know what is DOAS system for what purpose
>it is used .I have only heard about it but not used in any of the
>projects. It wil be so nice if anyone can tell for what applications it
>is used.
>>Sambhav Tiwari.
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Dedicated Outdoor Air System. It is an airhandler that delivers treated
outdoor air to the zone. It can be used with variety of systems. I used
it a lot in conjunction with  terminal units (fan coils). If properly
designed, DOAS will limit humidity raise at part load conditions.

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