[Bldg-sim] jEPlus goes Open Source

Yi Zhang YiZhang at dmu.ac.uk
Wed Mar 31 16:37:10 PDT 2010

Dear all,


I meant to send this yesterday but the clock ticked over midnight. I am
dead serious: jEPlus has gone open source (under GPLv3) and here is the
proof: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jeplus/


Although EnergyPlus is now providing a number of functions (parametric,
SQL output etc) natively, I believe there is still much jEPlus can
offer. I hope turning it into a community project will help it grow. My
special thanks to Davis Marques, who has joined the project and was the
reason that this happened before Easter in the first place. I would like
to welcome more developers and users to join the project, too.


Best wishes,




Yi Zhang

IESD, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK

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