[Bldg-sim] ASHRAE 90.1 for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Buildings

Keohane, Michael Michael.Keohane at pmg.ie
Tue Mar 30 07:18:33 PDT 2010




I have question in relation to the use of ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G for
pharmaceutical manufacturing buildings and would be interested to hear
from anybody with experience in this area.


My company at the moment are involved in a number of Pharmaceutical
projects where the clients are interested in pursing LEED for
manufacturing buildings.

These buildings typically would have very high process loads, and a
large number of clean rooms with high air-changes etc. 


We are wondering is practical to apply LEED to these type of buildings,
and in particular would it be difficult to achieve a good result against
ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G. on the optimise energy credit given these types
of buildings are energy hungry. 


Assuming given the scale of the buildings and the special pressurisation
relationships and requirement for high air changes the basecase would by
type 3 or type 4, a single zone constant air handling unit with reheat
for humidity control.


Also the design flowrates would be based on mandatory air-change
requirements rather then supply temperature differential.


It is likely the proposed case would involve a mixture of constant
volume systems with reheat (possibly primary secondary AHU
configuration) and VAV systems.


I would just like to get an indication if this likely to achieve the 4
point minimum or possible improve on it and are there are any other
complicating issues for buildings of this type.




Michael Keohane


Senior Mechanical Engineer


Project Management Group



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