[Bldg-sim] Extented deadline for PES 2010 special session

Frédéric Miranville frederic.miranville at univ-reunion.fr
Mon Mar 29 07:09:06 PDT 2010

Dear all,

Just a reminder to inform you of the extended dealine for the special 
session "Low energy buildings: zero-net-energy mission" organised during 
the third IASTED African Conference on Power and Energy Systems. This 
congress will be helding from 6 to 8th of september in Gaborone, Botwana.

More information is indicated on the website of the congress: 

The papers can be submitted until the 15th of april, to the following 
email address: frederic.miranville at univ-reunion.fr

You'll find enclosed a brief description of the session as well as the 
format requirements for the submitted papers.

I hope I'll receive numbers of papers very soon. Please, don't hesitate 
and forward this information to anyone else you think of.

Best regards,

F. Miranville.

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