[Bldg-sim] Underground Water Tank Heat Transfer

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Tue Mar 23 08:17:40 PDT 2010

  We've done a good bit of simulation work along those lines using 
TRNSYS. I'm not aware of any dedicated simplified tools for that purpose.

Jon Bruneau wrote:
> I'd like to estimate the rate of heat transfer between an underground 
> water storage tank and the surrounding earth.  Basically, water would 
> be pumped out of the tank through a coil and returned to the tank.  
> The system would function like a groundwater source heat pump with two 
> big differences:
> 1.  the system will use a tank instead of vertical wells so there will 
> be much less transfer area/volume of water
> 2.  the tank is enclosed, water will not be drawn from the water table
> Does anyone know of a study or software that would estimate the rate 
> of heat transfer between the tank's walls and the surrounding earth?
> Thanks,
> Jon
> *Jon Bruneau, PE, LEED AP BD+C*
> */Mechanical Engineer/*
> F7 Engineering Group
> 400 10th Street NE, Suite B, Charlottesville, VA 22902
> ph. 434.244.0023
> fax 434.977.0023
> _www.F7engineers.com_
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Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC 
David BRADLEY                      22 N. Carroll Street - Suite 370 
Partner                            Madison, WI 53703 
P: +1.608.274.2577 
F: +1.608.278.1475
E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com 
Web Pages:  http://www.tess-inc.com    and      http://www.trnsys.com


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