[Bldg-sim] Proposed Energy Modeling Conference - YourInputRequested

Timothy Moore timothy.moore at iesve.com
Mon Mar 8 14:27:55 PST 2010



I would suggest sessions on dynamic thermal simulation of challenging spaces and system types. 


I suggest these because they are potentially valuable strategies for low-energy and net-zero-energy designs, yet they are often shied away from, not because they aren't good strategies, but because many engineers have a difficult time either understanding them well enough to confidently implement them and/or model them well enough to quantify their potential benefits in a particular building, climate, etc. While CFD can provide very helpful information regarding thermal performance, this is just for one particular slice in time and also depends upon getting the boundary conditions correct. The latter may require a model that is dynamic with respect to changing loads, interaction with space conditioning systems, etc. Additionally, the dynamic model is needed to determine how well thermal comfort will be maintained as conditions vary and how much energy will be consumed in doing so. 


Topics should include the following:


·         Thermally stratified spaces such as atria for which solar gain, stratification, radiation from warm/hot surfaces, and thermal plumes will be significant contributors to thermal comfort and energy consumption for space conditioning. 

·         Spaces served by underfloor air distribution (UFAD), including both core zones and perimeter zones and the transition from cooling to heating mode, particularly with respect to a shift in the extent of thermal stratification vs. mixing in perimeter zones.

·         Double-skin facades, accounting for convection, re-radiation, and subsequent transmission of heat from operable interstitial blinds suspended within the façade cavity.

·         Solar chimneys and earth tubes or labyrinths accounting for both the heat transfer to/from air flowing through these passages and the stack effects they may contribute to in ventilating or conditioning spaces in a building.

·         Hydronic radiant slab cooling systems, accounting for the affects of thermal mass, hydronic tube placement (spacing and depth in the slab), water flow rate and temperature, pump energy, system controls, and the influences that each of these have on cooling capacity and energy consumption. This should include modeling of outside-air ventilation systems and surface temperature sensing and controls to avoid condensation on chilled surfaces. 

·         Mixed-mode operation involving coordination of BAS-controlled natural ventilation openings, user-controlled openings, CO2-based demand-controlled mechanical ventilation, and thermally driven capability for overriding natural ventilation with mechanical means when it is insufficient.

·         HVAC systems including desiccant wheel dried by waste heat from the condenser coil on a DX unit that provides dehumidification and cooling of outside air in series with the desiccant (units such as this are becoming more common).

·         HVAC systems incorporating indirect evaporative cooling and a desiccant wheel dried by either solar heat or waste heat from a combined heat & power system.

·         Variable-refrigerant-volume (VRV) systems that include a common refrigerant loop, and thus capability for moving heat from zones that need cooling to zones that require heat.







Timothy Moore 
Senior Consultant
Special Projects 

Mobile: 415 810 2495 
Office: 415 983-0603
timothy.moore at iesve.com <mailto:timothy.moore at iesve.com> 
www.iesve.com <http://www.iesve.com/> 

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From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Bellenger, Lynn
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 4:25 PM
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-sim] Proposed Energy Modeling Conference - Your InputRequested

ASHRAE is in the early planning stages of an Energy Modeling Conference for the spring of 2011 that is targeted for consulting engineering practitioners.  We are looking for input on the appropriate topics and/or session types you would like to see at such a conference. Some topic thoughts are: energy simulation, BIM, CFD and daylight modeling. 


What conference content would prompt you to travel and attend such a conference? Please be as specific as possible in describing what you would like covered at the conference. What do you want to learn? What location(s) in the US would draw the largest attendance, in your opinion? 


Personal regards,


Lynn G. Bellenger, PE, FASHRAE

ASHRAE President-Elect


Pathfinder Engineers and Architects LLP

134 South Fitzhugh Street
Rochester, NY 14608
T: (585) 325-6004 x-105
F: (585) 325-6005

Email: lbellenger at pathfinder-ea.com <mailto:lbellenger at pathfinderengineers.com>  


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