[Bldg-sim] Looking for Real-time Weather

David Reddy david.j.reddy1 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 20:14:15 PST 2010


Besides NCDC data, I would suggest NWS METAR data 
<http://weather.noaa.gov/weather/metar.shtml>.  It is updated hourly, 
however, I believe the oldest data readily available is 24hrs.   It has 
many of the weather variables needed for hourly simulations, the biggest 
exception is solar data (only sky cover and visibility are reported for 
most stations).  However, you could probably generate estimated solar 
data using one of the sky model algorithms that have been developed; I 
don't believe the EnergyPlus weather file program will yet generate 
solar data for you from sky cover (please correct me if I am wrong).

A nifty program I recently found for automatically downloading this data 
real-time is call METARs Downloader (I have no affiliation with the 
vendor).   I am quite satisfied with this software, although I think 
there are others available or you could create your own.

David Reddy

360 Analytics
Building Energy Analysis Consultants
mail:	12354 16th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125
phone:	206.406.9856
email:	david at 360-Analytics.com

On 3/7/2010 4:23 PM, Jiakang Lu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need to verify the simulation results with empirical results in a 
> testbed. I have modeled the building in EnergyPlus, and now try to 
> find the weather information of that corresponding date. However, the 
> latest date of the real-time weather on EnergyPlus website is 
> 12/09/2009. The station ID of my site is KCHO.
> Is there any way to find the latest weather data that can run with 
> EnergyPlus? Thank you very much.
> Best,
> Jiakang
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