[Bldg-sim] eQuest glass library

thulasi guptha thulasiguptha at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 27 14:38:21 PDT 2009



need to change some values (Tvis) in the equest glass library for a
particular glass type code (2800, 2801). I tried to change this in the BDL file
for the particular project, but it appears that inp and bdl file are reading
from a central location, and the changes I make are replaced by the library
default values when I run the simulation. I cannot use the Windows 5 route as
the glass type I am trying to modify is an electrochromic glass and hence only
glass types from the glass library can be used. 


pointers on where the root glass library info is located and on how to change
the library Tvis value for a particular library glass type code? 






Thulasi Narayan

Consultant (LEED AP)

Paladino and Company

ph: 206-522-7600

dir: 206-957-8578

mobile: 480-277-0788

fax: 206-522-7666


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