[Bldg-sim] Weather File: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Ali E. Hajiah ahajiah at safat.kisr.edu.kw
Sun Oct 18 03:15:23 PDT 2009

Hi John,
           Abu Dhabi's weather file can be used for Dubai since both cities are close to each other.


Ali Ebraheem Hajiah, Ph.D. 
Associate Research Scientist 
Building and Energy Technologies Department 
Environmental and Urban Development Division 
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research 
P.O. BOX: 24885, SAFAT 13109 KUWAIT 
Tel.: (+965) 24989105 
Mobile: 99390778 
Fax: (+965) 24989099 
e-mail: ahajiah at kisr.edu.kw   

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: John Howe 
  To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org 
  Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 11:22 PM
  Subject: [Bldg-sim] Weather File: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  Hi All,


  I am looking for a weather file 8760 hours for Dubai. I was hoping someone could help me out. I found one for Abu Dhabi but that is all. 

  Thank you, 


  John Howe, P.E., LEED AP

  Project Engineer

  jba consulting engineers

  JBA Denver · 13772 Denver West Pkwy, Suite 200 · Lakewood, CO 80401

  p 303.985.3260 · f 303.987.2304  · jhowe at jbace.com



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