[Bldg-sim] TMY2 Text files

Randy Wilkinson randy at hvacware.net
Mon May 12 09:19:31 PDT 2008

You might want to try the new TMY3 weather file 
<http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/old_data/nsrdb/1991-2005/tmy3/>.  They are 
already in CSV format and can be opened directly using OpenOffice of Excel.

Randy Wilkinson

Vikram Sami wrote:
> I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to get hold of TMY2 text data (comma delimited for example) for import into XL files. Is there a tool that will perform this conversion?
> Thanks (in advance)
> Vikram Sami, LEED AP
> Direct Phone 404-253-1466 | Direct Fax 404-253-1366
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