[Bldg-sim] Balance point temperature for houses

Julia Beabout juliabeabout at yahoo.com
Wed May 7 06:54:26 PDT 2008

There is degree day data out there for a 55F basis.  But, I haven't used this type of data in a long time though (10 or 15 years?).  At that time at least, 55F was considered to be a more up to date balance point temperature.

----- Original Message ----
From: "Bishop, Bill" <bbishop at PathfinderEngineers.com>
To: Abaza Hussein <ahussein at spsu.edu>; equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org; bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Sent: Wednesday, May 7, 2008 9:29:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] Balance point temperature for houses


I'll admit that I didn't even know what the balance point temperature
was.  I did some quick internet research and found this resource:


There is a lot of information about building heat gains and losses and
how degree days are calculated.  It mentions on p.55 that the 65F number
was determined in the 1940s, and that newer, better insulated homes have
a lower balance point, but it doesn't suggest a number.

William Bishop, EIT, LEED(r) AP | Pathfinder Engineers LLP
Mechanical Engineer

3300 Monroe Ave., Suite 306 
Rochester, NY  14618
TEL (585) 218-0730 Ext. 114
FAX (585) 218-0737 
bbishop at pathfinderengineers.com

-----Original Message-----
From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Abaza
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 3:53 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org; bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-sim] Balance point temperature for houses

Could you please help. Is there any recent data or survey about the
point temperature of homes in the US. Is the 65F still applicable?
I appreciate any input.
Dr. H. Abaza

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