[Bldg-sim] eQuest - converting these interior walls to exteriorwalls

Jonathan Curtin jcurtin at WylieAssociates.com
Wed Jan 30 10:28:14 PST 2008

I believe that in the eQUEST wizard if your defined zone walls are even
the slightest bit off from what you defined as the building footprint,
they will not be recognized as exterior walls. You could go through the
wizard to correct this, create a new exterior wall in the detailed
design mode and delete the interior wall, or go to the .inp file to
change the wall type. You can't easily change a wall type from interior
to exterior within eQUEST.
Jonathan Curtin EIT, LEED AP


W  Y  L  I  E 
C O N S U L T I  N G
E  N G  I  N  E  E R S

6161 Savoy, Suite 700   Houston, Texas 77036
713.781.2526     713.781.2536 fax

www.wylieassociates.com <http://www.wylieassociates.com/> 


From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of McCready,
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 12:23 PM
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-sim] eQuest - converting these interior walls to

Hello all again. 

I've imported a CAD drawing, using schematic design mode I drew the
custom foot print and then the custom individual zones. I have a couple
of exterior walls that show up as interior walls, even after a lot of
tweaking. Any suggestions for converting these interior walls to
exterior walls (simply)?

Thanks again. 

Jessica E. McCready 
Energy Engineer 
KEMA Services Inc. 
492 Ninth Street, Suite 220 
Oakland, CA 94607 
T 510-891-0446 
F 510-891-0440 
jessica.mccready at kema.com 
Please visit our website www.kema.com <file://www.kema.com>  

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