[Bldg-sim] Appendix G Fixed Shades in Baseline Case

Kristin Field KField at archenergy.com
Mon Jan 28 09:01:38 PST 2008

Actually, the text you refer to means that the building itself, meaning
its own walls and roof, should not shade itself.  That sentence probably
sounds confusing.  Think of an L-shaped building and how one side of the
L could shade another side of the L at certain times of the day/year. 
If you're using DOE2, you can just use this code at the beginning of
where your spaces and surfaces are defined:
This is for your Baseline.  For your Proposed Design, change the "NO"
to a "YES."
App. G, Table G3.1 states that, for the baseline, "no shading
projections shall be modeled.  Manual window shading devices such as
blinds or shades shall not be modeled."  This means your baseline
shouldn't have any fixed shades in it.  For the proposed design, only
automatically controlled shades/blinds can be modeled, and any
"permanent shading devices such as fins, overhangs, and light shelves
may be modeled."
As far as the trees and shades/reflectance from neighboring buildings,
I haven't found this addressed in the LEED or App. G documentation.  Has
anyone else?
Hope this helps!

Kristin M. Field, EI
Energy Analysis Group
Architectural Energy Corporation
2540 Frontier Ave., Suite 201
Boulder, CO  80301

>>> "Rob Bialobrzeski" <rbialobrzeski at dmiinc.com> 1/28/2008 7:56 AM

Hello all,
Appendix G states that for the baseline building performance, “the
building shall be modeled so that is does not shade itself.”  I
interpret this to mean that only shades that are part of the building
should be removed in the baseline case, and that any fixed shades not
connected to the building (i.e. trees or neighboring structures) should
still be modeled in the baseline case.  Is this a correct assumption, or
should all sources of shading, such as trees, be removed in the baseline
Thanks for the help!
Rob Bialobrzeski
35 Walnut Street
Wellesley, MA 02481
Phone: 781-431-1100 x17
Fax: 781-431-1109
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