[Bldg-sim] Which LEED with which ASHRAE ?

Rob Salcido RSalcido at archenergy.com
Fri Jan 25 12:21:22 PST 2008

Hello Demba,
Since this building is three stories or less, then it falls under the ASHRAE 90.2 guidelines as residential multifamily building.  
This building would fall under the LEED for Homes guidelines.  Having said that, then this building would fall under the auspices of the Home Energy Rating System which uses the 2004 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) as a baseline.
I hope this helps,
Robert Salcido
V. Robert Salcido, P.E., LEED AP
Senior Engineer
Architectural Energy Corporation
2540 Frontier Avenue, Suite 201
Boulder, Colorado  80301

>>> "Demba Ndiaye" <demba.ndiaye at setty.com> 1/25/2008 12:27 PM >>>
Hi Colleagues, 

I have here a group of 7 buildings in the same project. They are all
identical, except for orientation. 

The buildings are multifamily residential units, with 3 floors and a
basement each. They are existing buildings being renovated, and I am
wondering which version of LEED should apply (LEED for New Construction
Major Renovations, LEED for Homes, ...)? 

Also, should I use ASHRAE 90.1 or ASHRAE 90.2 for the Baseline? 

Demba Ndiaye
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