[Bldg-sim] EQuest Plenums: One per shell vs. One per zone

Molly Curtz molly.curtz at arup.com
Tue Jan 22 12:00:49 PST 2008

Hi All, 
I got a tip from someone and figured out my question.  In case anyone
else is curious: changing the setting in the HVAC wizard from "One
system per floor" to "One system per zone" created a plenum for each
Molly Curtz, P.E.
Mechanical Engineer
403 Columbia St., Suite 220
Seattle, WA 98104
direct: 206 493 2234
tel: 206 749 9674 ext. 25534
fax: 206 749 0665
molly.curtz at arup.com
www.arup.com <http://www.arup.com/> 


From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Molly Curtz
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 11:15 AM
Subject: [Bldg-sim] EQuest Plenums: One per shell vs. One per zone

I have an eQuest model built up using the Design Development Wizard.
Looking at the Component tree, most of the shells have one plenum zone
for the entire floor. However, some of the shells have many plenum
zones;they have a separate plenum zone matching each of the occupied
space zones in the shell. 
I'm not aware of any difference in the way I constructed the various
Can anyone explain why the Wizard sometimes builds a single plenum for
the shell and sometimes builds a plenum for each zone within the shell?
I'd like to be able to choose between these options. Thanks for any help
you can offer!
Best regards,
Molly Curtz
403 Columbia St., Suite 220
Seattle, WA 98104
direct: 206 493 2234
tel: 206 749 9674 ext. 25534
fax: 206 749 0665
molly.curtz at arup.com
www.arup.com <http://www.arup.com/> 
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