[Bldg-sim] Ashrae 90.1 99 vs 01 vs 04 vs 07

Andrew McNamara amcnamara at brightpower.biz
Tue Jan 15 05:33:06 PST 2008

Hi Shaun,

Here's a table from an article titled "Improving Energy in Existing
Buildings" in the current issue of ASHRAE Journal which speaks to that exact


On 1/14/08, Shaun Martin <smartin at shaunmartinconsulting.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to get a better sense of how much more stringent Standard 90.1has
> become with each iteration. My (hearsay?) understanding was that a
> building
> under 1999 required about 8% lower energy consumption to meet the standard
> than 1989.  And I've heard the 2010 version is going to be 30% lower than
> 2001. Are these figures correct, and can anyone tell me how 01/04/07 fit
> in?
> Thanks,
> Shaun Martin
> email smartin at shaunmartinconsulting.com
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Andrew McNamara, LEED AP
tel: 212.803.5868
fax: 866.379.8026
cell: 917.974.4499
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