[Bldg-sim] Importing a portion of one eQuest model into anotherequest model

Lynn Qualmann LQualmann at sbwConsulting.com
Thu Jan 10 15:24:21 PST 2008

I need to follow up on my previous e-mail re: importing a portion of one
eQuest model into another. Cutting and pasting between *.inp files can
work, but you need to be careful to get all the pertinent information.
There are so many possibilities of what is intended that it is beyond my
resources and knowledge to begin addressing even a small portion of
them. As Mark points out, an entire model can be incorporated into
another model with the import function. If the intent is to create a
campus situation, this works just fine. If the intent is to end up with
a single building (i.e. the two parts are meant to have thermal
connections via internal surfaces), I don't think importing alone will
provide that functionality. Depending on the intentions of the modeling
effort, you may be able to omit any common surfaces from the thermal
model if conditions are essentially the same on both sides and
reflectivity is not an issue for potential daylighting.


If the concept is to "plug" a space from one building into a second
building, to the best of my knowledge you will be in for a grueling
battle (unless the two models are of the same building and the space to
be imported has the same geometry and location as that of the space
being replaced - in which case I would recommend just changing the
features of the existing space to mimic the desired space). I have
wrestled with locating spaces in an existing model in Detailed Design
mode and trust me, it is neither fun nor sufficiently rewarding.


Hopefully you have enough information to accomplish what you want
without falling into any traps.


R. Lynn Qualmann, P.E.

SBW Consulting, Inc.

2820 Northup Way  #230

Bellevue, WA  98004

Phone:  (425) 827-0330

FAX:     (425) 822-8119

e-mail:  rlq at sbwconsulting.com


From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of McCready,
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 12:56 PM
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-sim] Importing a portion of one eQuest model into
anotherequest model



Hello and a happy new year to all. 

I am trying to import a portion of a building from one eQuest model into
another eQuest model. Is there a simple way of doing this that someone
can recommend? Or a manual you can refer me to that has this detail of

Jessica E. McCready 
Energy Engineer 
KEMA Services Inc. 
492 Ninth Street, Suite 220 
Oakland, CA 94607 
T 510-891-0446 
F 510-891-0440 
jessica.mccready at kema.com 
Please visit our website www.kema.com <file:///\\www.kema.com>  

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