[Bldg-sim] gas: Btus to cost via pricing scheme

Andrew McNamara amcnamara at brightpower.biz
Tue Jan 8 07:04:34 PST 2008

Hello Cramer,

An colleage of mine and I did some recently did some research on Natural Gas
prices for New York State, and we banged our heads against the wall for a
fair bit before figuring out how these rate structures fit together.  The
two of us just took a look at what you listed below and here's our best

Customer charge is the monthly base
Distribution charge is likely the "delivery" component charged on a "per
therm" or "per ccf" basis
Cost of Gas Adjustment is likely the "supply" component charged on a "per
therm" or "mdcq" basis (not sure what mdcq is, but it seems to me that only
one of these two lines applies to the actual bill, depending which unit you
are billed in (therms vs. mdcq)
Local Distribution Adjustment Charge is likely another fee they tack on per
therm, ccf, or mdcq.

So.... if you were billed in therms, I believe your total bill would be
550.41+(1.0322+0.8651+0.0491) * Therms usage.

Hope that helps!

Andrew McNamara, LEED AP
Bright Power, Inc.

tel: 212.803.5868
fax: 866.379.8026
cell: 917.974.4499

On 1/7/08, Cramer Silkworth <silkworth at transsolar.com> wrote:
>  Hello everyone,
> I'm trying to take my gas use output numbers (Btus) and calculate the cost
> of the gas using the pricing scheme from the local utility (Keyspan in
> Boston) for a LEED certification. However, I can't figure out what the
> scheme means. Can someone tell me what these numbers mean, in terms of how
> to write an equation to take my hourly outputs of gas use (from Trnsys, but
> I'm doing this in Excel) and calculate final (monthly) cost?
> "Customer Charge (fixed): $550.41": I'm assuming this is the monthly base
> fee.
> "Distribution Charge: $1.0322": Dollars per ...?
> "Cost of Gas Adjustment CGA (mdcq): $0.8432": Again, no idea
> "Cost of Gas Adjustment CGA (Therm): 0.8651": ...
> "Local Distrib. Adjustment Charge LDAC: $0.0491": ...
> (These numbers are under the heading "High Load Factor General Service
> Rate - Extra Large," this is for a rather large commercial building complex.
> I've gone to the utility's website and found this data, but nothing to
> explain it, nor anywhere else on the web. I called them, and just get passed
> around their service department because no one seems to be able to
> understand how I can have gas numbers without having a building!
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
> Cramer
> J. Cramer Silkworth
> silkworth at transsolar.com
> +49 0711-67976-182
> Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH
> *http://www.transsolar.com* <http://www.transsolar.com/>
> Stuttgart - Munich - New York
> Climate Engineering: Technologies for energy-efficiency and user comfort
> in buildings.
> Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, Curiestrasse 2, 70563 Stuttgart, Germany
> Amtsgericht Stuttgart -  HRB 23347 / USt-IdNr.: 99073/00911
> Partners: Dipl.Ing. Matthias Schuler, Dipl.Ing. Thomas Auer, Dipl.Phys.
> Stefan Holst
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